Recent Work

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Inverter-based Microgrids

Proposed a controller design that guarantees string stability in chains of inverters.

G. F. Silva, A. Donaire, M. M. Seron, A. McFadyen and J. Ford, (2022) String Stability in Microgrids Using Frequency Controlled Inverter Chains. 
IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 6, pp. 1484-1489, DOI

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Vehicle Platooning

Disturbance string stable control of vehicle platoons with disturbances.

G. F. Silva, A. Donaire, A. McFadyen, and J. Ford, (2021). String stable integral control of vehicle platoons with disturbances. 
Automatica, vol. 127, DOI

G. F. Silva, A. Donaire, A. McFadyen, and J. Ford, (2020). String Stable Integral Control of Vehicle Platoons with Actuator Dynamics and Disturbances.
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju Island, Korea (South), 2020, pp. 2837-2842, DOI.

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Shadow Compensation

Presented a method to automatically detect and remove shadows in urban aerial images.

G. F. Silva, Grace B. Carneiro, Ricardo Doth, Leonardo A. Amaral, Dario F. G. de Azevedo, (2018). Near real-time shadow detection and removal in aerial motion imagery application. 
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. 140, pp. 104 – 121, DOI.